22 research outputs found

    Comparison of Propagation Models and Forward Calculation Methods on Cellular, Tissue and Organ Scale Atrial Electrophysiology

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    The bidomain model and the finite element method are an established standard to mathematically describe cardiac electrophysiology, but are both suboptimal choices for fast and large-scale simulations due to high computational costs. We investigate to what extent simplified approaches for propagation models (monodomain, reaction-Eikonal and Eikonal) and forward calculation (boundary element and infinite volume conductor) deliver markedly accelerated, yet physiologically accurate simulation results in atrial electrophysiology. Methods: We compared action potential durations, local activation times (LATs), and electrocardiograms (ECGs) for sinus rhythm simulations on healthy and fibrotically infiltrated atrial models. Results: All simplified model solutions yielded LATs and P waves in accurate accordance with the bidomain results. Only for the Eikonal model with pre-computed action potential templates shifted in time to derive transmembrane voltages, repolarization behavior notably deviated from the bidomain results. ECGs calculated with the boundary element method were characterized by correlation coefficients >0.9 compared to the finite element method. The infinite volume conductor method led to lower correlation coefficients caused predominantly by systematic overestimations of P wave amplitudes in the precordial leads. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that the Eikonal model yields accurate LATs and combined with the boundary element method precise ECGs compared to markedly more expensive full bidomain simulations. However, for an accurate representation of atrial repolarization dynamics, diffusion terms must be accounted for in simplified models. Significance: Simulations of atrial LATs and ECGs can be notably accelerated to clinically feasible time frames at high accuracy by resorting to the Eikonal and boundary element methods


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    An Integrated Workflow for Building Digital Twins of Cardiac Electromechanics—A Multi-Fidelity Approach for Personalising Active Mechanics

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    Personalised computer models of cardiac function, referred to as cardiac digital twins, are envisioned to play an important role in clinical precision therapies of cardiovascular diseases. A major obstacle hampering clinical translation involves the significant computational costs involved in the personalisation of biophysically detailed mechanistic models that require the identification of high-dimensional parameter vectors. An important aspect to identify in electromechanics (EM) models are active mechanics parameters that govern cardiac contraction and relaxation. In this study, we present a novel, fully automated, and efficient approach for personalising biophysically detailed active mechanics models using a two-step multi-fidelity solution. In the first step, active mechanical behaviour in a given 3D EM model is represented by a purely phenomenological, low-fidelity model, which is personalised at the organ scale by calibration to clinical cavity pressure data. Then, in the second step, median traces of nodal cellular active stress, intracellular calcium concentration, and fibre stretch are generated and utilised to personalise the desired high-fidelity model at the cellular scale using a 0D model of cardiac EM. Our novel approach was tested on a cohort of seven human left ventricular (LV) EM models, created from patients treated for aortic coarctation (CoA). Goodness of fit, computational cost, and robustness of the algorithm against uncertainty in the clinical data and variations of initial guesses were evaluated. We demonstrate that our multi-fidelity approach facilitates the personalisation of a biophysically detailed active stress model within only a few (2 to 4) expensive 3D organ-scale simulations—a computational effort compatible with clinical model applications

    Cell to whole organ global sensitivity analysis on a four-chamber heart electromechanics model using Gaussian processes emulators

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    Cardiac pump function arises from a series of highly orchestrated events across multiple scales. Computational electromechanics can encode these events in physics-constrained models. However, the large number of parameters in these models has made the systematic study of the link between cellular, tissue, and organ scale parameters to whole heart physiology challenging. A patient-specific anatomical heart model, or digital twin, was created. Cellular ionic dynamics and contraction were simulated with the Courtemanche-Land and the ToR-ORd-Land models for the atria and the ventricles, respectively. Whole heart contraction was coupled with the circulatory system, simulated with CircAdapt, while accounting for the effect of the pericardium on cardiac motion. The four-chamber electromechanics framework resulted in 117 parameters of interest. The model was broken into five hierarchical sub-models: tissue electrophysiology, ToR-ORd-Land model, Courtemanche-Land model, passive mechanics and CircAdapt. For each sub-model, we trained Gaussian processes emulators (GPEs) that were then used to perform a global sensitivity analysis (GSA) to retain parameters explaining 90% of the total sensitivity for subsequent analysis. We identified 45 out of 117 parameters that were important for whole heart function. We performed a GSA over these 45 parameters and identified the systemic and pulmonary peripheral resistance as being critical parameters for a wide range of volumetric and hemodynamic cardiac indexes across all four chambers. We have shown that GPEs provide a robust method for mapping between cellular properties and clinical measurements. This could be applied to identify parameters that can be calibrated in patient-specific models or digital twins, and to link cellular function to clinical indexes